OneE POTAS seminars.
Date: Autumn 2015
Location: London Manchester Birmingham and Cardiff
Reported by: OneE
Dominic Slattery: managing director OneE Group
Tom Moore: director Grant Thornton UK LLP
Ben Elliott: barrister Pump Court Tax Chambers
Adam Owens: senior tax adviser OneE Group
Despite going relatively unnoticed at its unveiling the promoters of tax avoidance schemes (POTAS) legislation in FA 2014 Part 5 and other regulations is hugely significant not just for promoters but for accountants and their clients. The subject was discussed at a series of nationwide seminars.
Caution and clarity
First announced in August 2013 and ratified in FA 2014 POTAS targets the aggressive minority of promoters. However with three subsequent regulations enacted to support the regime even the most seasoned accountants are worried about the ambiguous lie of the land under POTAS. How will HMRC implement this new legislation and...
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