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06 September 2016
Issue: 4566 / Categories: Forum & Feedback

Correspondence from readers on topical subjects.

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Can I add to the concerns about Making Tax Digital (MTD)? I empathise with last week’s letter writer (Feedback 1 September 2016 page 20). HMRC has forgotten it is our public servant and that the taxpayer should be the department’s prime concern.

Sadly the prime concern for HMRC is to cut costs. It refuses to address concerns about taxpayers who do not have online access. We do not all have smartphones and should not be expected to provide ourselves with them simply to comply with HMRC’s drive to Making Tax Digital. For far too long HMRC has abrogated all sense of duty of care. Taxpayers’ rights have been eroded and HMRC considers most concerns to be minor irritations.

There are faults in the current online system. Recently I have had red error warnings on tax returns and have phoned the online help desk. Each time...

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