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Readers’ forum: Currency question

25 October 2021
Issue: 4814 / Categories: Forum & Feedback
Will capital gains tax apply to stamp and coin collections?

My client’s elderly parents recently decided to downsize and move to a smaller property. She has been helping them declutter and found some stamp and coin collections that her father had amassed as a young man. Initial enquiries suggest these could be very valuable.

Most of the coins are British but are pre-decimalisation with some several hundred years old. There are also some foreign coins.

Can readers advise on presumably the capital gains tax implications of a sale. Is this currency taxable and what about stamps?

I’m sure the money would be welcomed by the parents but I was wondering whether I should suggest that the parents leave the collections to the children and grandchildren bearing in mind the uplift in base cost on death.

Query 19 833 – Stanley.

Chattels that are sold for less than £6 000 are exempt from CGT.


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