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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration

Andrew Hubbard

Andrew Hubbard is editor in chief of Taxation magazine, published by LexisNexis and has a wider editorial role across many Tolley publications. Andrew initially trained as an inspector of taxes before joining the tax profession. He has worked in a ‘big four’ environment and was a partner in BDO Stoy Hayward and then Tenon before becoming a partner at RSM – a role from which he recently stepped down. He is also past president of both the  CIOT and ATT. Email:


Making tax digital – it will go ahead, says minister

Looking back over ten years

Genuine kudos

Voluntary payments of tax should be encouraged

That was the year that was...

Great weekly team effort to produce Taxation

Mammoth task of training 5,000 new employees

Penalties could be significantly worse

Unusual recommendation from cabinet minister
I’m asking ‘for a friend’
Time to do away with cliff edges and tapering
Budget costings may not be all revealing
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