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HMRC potholes

Nov 11, 2008, 09:06 AM
Authors : Charlene
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Post date : Nov 11, 2008, 09:06 AM
What, we wondered, might Charlene, our American graduate, make of the Taxpayers Charter campaign?

The campaign for a taxpayers’ charter is for a preventative measure that places safeguards in legislation to prevent the taxpayer from falling into holes in the current tax system.

Before reading the recent news regarding the subject, I agreed that such a charter with the appropriate statutory support would be a beneficial step for taxpayer-power, but perhaps would not be necessary because the system seems to be working just fine as it is.
If it ain’t broke then don’t fix it, right?
Upon reading more, I realized it would be too late if we just stood around waiting for the system to break down.
Keith Gordon’s article Before the knock describes what I think is a potentially severe violation of private rights.
HMRC have a right to search your home if they deem it necessary to check it for correct tax ‘documentation’.
What does that mean?
It sounds pretty shady to me and not unlike the grey sort of writing that can subject individuals to unnecessary privacy abuse.
So, I’ve decided that waiting until the system breaks means we have to wait until violations occur and cases come before tribunals – which even the very basic right to be heard before a tribunal (please correct me if I’m wrong) lies invisible in the law books.
The rights a taxpayers’ charter would give the taxpayer are essential to restoring the balance of power between HMRC and individual.
So before people like you and I start falling into these technical potholes, let’s fill ‘em.

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