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Thai tax

Aug 11, 2008, 08:43 AM
Authors : Richard
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Post date : Aug 11, 2008, 08:43 AM
I see that ousted Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has announced that he will not be returning to Thailand.
Presumably he will be getting a direct flight to the UK from Beijing, where (big mistake) the Thai court had allowed him to attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.
Thaksin is on bail over corruption charges, and his wife is also on bail pending an appeal from her conviction for tax fraud, having been sentenced to three years in jail.
As readers will probably be aware, this is the same Thaksin Shinawatra who our Football Association decided was a ‘fit and proper’ person to own a Premier League football club – Manchester City – despite protests from various human rights organisations.
Mr Thaksin said he and his wife would remain in the UK, ‘where democracy is more important’.

More important than what one naturally wonders; spending a period of years in a Bangkok jail presumably.
It is also rumoured that he and his wife, who own properties here, may claim political asylum in the UK.
Presumably he will be taking some tax advice before he decides to do that, or perhaps he already has as he seems to have left the door open on his domicile status by adding: ‘If I am fortunate enough, I will return and die on Thai soil, just like other Thais’.

I suspect that the Thai court will have hopes somewhat along the same lines.

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