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HMRC are under pressure, arguably like never before, to identify avoidance and seize disputed tax. The question is whether the department’s efforts will be directed at...
Happy birthday, capital gains tax! It turned 50 this week, and we're celebrating with a competition. For the chance to win a copy of Whillans's Tax Tables...
If I were a leading member of a libertarian pressure group, I’d be too busy right now to write this blog entry, because I’d be taking full and energetic advantage of the...
Here are the answers to last month’s tax quote puzzler “Morally wrong.”David Cameron, about Jimmy Carr’s tax avoidance “If they don’t pay tax, we’ll...
Wait! Don’t tip that carrier bag of client receipts across the floor just yet. First, take a moment to enjoy what is fast becoming the tax sector’s first tradition of...
Indentify the tax-related quotes. (We'll reveal the answers in the new year.) “Morally wrong.”Who, having criticised bankers for tax avoidance, was described in...
HMRC now have the right to issue accelerated payment notices (APNs) to demand up-front payment of disputed tax in cases where the department believes there has been...
Debt Banks have warned the government that HMRC “cannot be considered as sufficiently competent” to wield a new power that would allow the tax department to...
Our petition against the government’s plan to take tax directly from bank accounts is one of the fastest growing on the epetitions website. If you haven’t already signed it,...
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