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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration

Issue: Vol 157, Issue 4058

18 May 2006
ANNE REDSTON considers the possible effects of the decision in Cable & Wireless v Muscat.
ROBERT MAAS provides a revised view on UITF 40 — it clarifies SSAP 9 rather than ANG.
KEITH M GORDON considers the current draft of the regulations amending the disclosure requirements for income tax, corporation tax and capital gains tax.
MIKE TRUMAN explains what has been happening in the 'No to November' campaign.
If it is springtime, it must be form 42 time! KEN MOODY CTA takes readers through the revised rules for submitting forms 42.
A neighbour has for some time owned the three fields behind his house which he let to a nearby farmer who grazed his sheep on it. For this he received a nominal rent of £10 a year. He recently planted...
Query T16,811
My client is a British doctor working in Scotland. He is very keen to help in a third-world country and will shortly go to live in Nepal — probably for about five years — to work (for not very much...
We advise the trustees of a discretionary trust, which was set up by a settlor (since deceased) for his children and grandchildren. He had three children, all of whom have children, and in some cases...
Further snippets from the TaxAid conference: 'Employment issues: Minimising costs, maximising benefits', 28 April 2006, reported by Rebecca Cave, director of Taxwriter Ltd. Speakers quoted: ...
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