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Issue: Vol 166, Issue 4281

Issue: Vol 166, Issue 4281

11 Nov 2010
The decision in the Prudential case to restrict legal professional privilege to lawyers, rather than extend it to other advisers, disappoints MIKE TRUMAN
Tax reliefs are changing again. ALISON VINE considers whether QNUPS might be the cure
LIZ MCCARTHY looks at the tax charges that can arise on employee share schemes, and how they can be mitigated
The House of Commons took a final look at the Finance (No 2) Bill on 8 November. ALLISON PLAGER reports

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An ex-employee has taken his employer company to court and won a claim for unfair dismissal, but is the amount paid allowable as a revenue deduction?
A VAT registered business went above the limit for leaving the flat rate scheme in 2009, but HMRC have advised that he should leave the scheme in 2010
An industrial and provident society borrowed money to purchase a shop which is now let out. The lender has died and the beneficiaries suggest the loan should be written off
A convenience store includes a post office for which the owner/sub-postmaster purchased a new security screen. Will the VAT incurred be recoverable?
Tax liability of lost-and-found items sold on eBay; revising tax credit calculation; claiming running costs of second home; mobile phone charges
Dubious phone-craft from HMRC
A standard letter that is worrying for the client
'Had I been under-declaring my clients’ profits for Class 4 purposes?'
'There appears to be a huge backlog of unprocessed 64-8s'
Something of a postal backlog at HMRC
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