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Update - Parliament

11 December 2005
Categories: News , Income Tax
Hansard, 1 December 2005, vol 440, no 77, col 661w

Musicians' NIC

The Class 1 National Insurance problems currently being faced by musicians, see Update, 'Chaotic concerto', Taxation, 17 November 2005, page 171, has reached the House of Commons. In reply as to why it has taken so long for the authorities to ask for these contributions, Dawn Primarolo said that when the regulations were introduced in 1998, 'employers engaging entertainers (including orchestras) were expected to comply voluntarily'. With regard to PAYE audits, she said that employers were selected for visits on a risk basis and that the 'potential widespread failure of orchestras to deduct Class 1 National Insurance contributions did not become evident until 2004, when HMRC undertook customer support activity in the orchestra sector'.

Categories: News , Income Tax
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