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News - other news

28 June 2006
Categories: News

International law book facility

International law book facility

Are you a tax and auditing expert with time on your hands to help us? We are a new law book charity, run by volunteers from the legal profession, professional bodies and legal publishers and we need someone to take on our modest tax and auditing responsibilities. To date we have had success in matching up law libraries in the Caribbean with donors of law reports in London and we are building on our programme to get targeted books to law societies, universities and open access libraries in several sub-Saharan countries. If you would like to find out more about our work and are interested in helping us, please visit the website at or contact Philip Hill, e-mail:

Company of Tax Advisers

For the first time, liverymen of the Tax Advisers' Company voted in the election of the sheriffs in Guildhall on 26 June, a privilege granted to the citizens of London in 1143. The sheriffs often accompany the Lord Mayor and supervise the central criminal court at the Old Bailey. Only a sheriff can become lord mayor.
For information about the company, visit


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