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Not a panacea

16 January 2008 / Mike Truman
Issue: 4141 / Categories:
Taxation's campaign to stop the HMRC staff cuts is not a cure-all, but a vital first step, argues MIKE TRUMAN

Our online petition is making steady progress heading towards 600 online signatures (at the time of writing).

That already puts us well into the top 5% of current petitions though admittedly some way behind the one to make Jeremy Clarkson Prime Minister at over 40 000 signatures.

Mind you top of the hit list is a petition calling on the Prime Minister to lift the ban on the Red Arrows flying at the 2012 Olympics which has a quarter of a million signatures despite the Government's assurance on the petition site that no such ban has ever been imposed.

There are nearly three months to go to the end of March which is the deadline and I would certainly expect progress to be slow in January given the other priorities occupying the time of tax practitioners.

Nonetheless we have a...

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