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Taking the biscuit

08 August 2008 / Richard Curtis
Issue: 4087 / Categories:
RICHARD CURTIS considers the many — and varied — benefits that a good professional training course can provide

Technical knowledge and continuing professional development (CPD) points are two of the obvious benefits of training courses lectures conferences and the like. 

Of course there are more if you know where to look. In fact I was talking to someone the other day and saying that I was writing something on this very subject.

'I love going on these courses' my colleague said 'you always get something out of them'.

'Like the nice A4 pad and a new supply of pens or pencils or some of those large crunchy flapjack biscuits they often serve with the morning coffee or afternoon tea' I was tempted to riposte.

More seriously updated and new technical knowledge and tax planning ideas are out there waiting for you.

ut it is not always simply a message of sitting at the back of that hotel room or lecture hall...

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