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Quota query

16 March 2010
Issue: 4247 / Categories: Forum & Feedback , Income Tax
Farming clients have agricultural quotas that have become of negligible value. Can relief be obtained against income?

I have several farming clients holding various agricultural quotas which they have purchased over the years and which are currently of little or no value.

My question is whether such quotas qualify for negligible value claims? And if they do are values for the various classes published?

On the assumption that such claims are valid and while at least one client would be able to offset the capital loss arising against a current year capital gain the more attractive option would be offset against trading. Is this possible?

While I believe that the answer is to carry forward unused computed losses to future years I hope that readers might be able to suggest some better alternatives.

Query 17 566 – Stevenson’s Rocket

Reply from Cello Boy

There are (or have been) milk potato ewe and suckler cow premium quotas but sugar beet contracts...

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