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Private sector to join fight against tax credits fraud

21 October 2013
Issue: 4425 / Categories: News , Investigations

HMRC are in discussions with the commercial sector about how it can help to reduce tax credits error and fraud – which stood at £2.09bn in 2011/12.

The talks follows a short trial earlier this year with data management provider Transactis and sub-contractor Bosch, during which 16,000 cases were reviewed: 5,500 were found to be containing error and fraud, and £20m of potential losses were identified.

The results of the pilot scheme demonstrate the potential for significant benefits through the use of private supplier technology, claimed the Revenue.

HMRC are in discussions with the commercial sector about how it can help to reduce tax credits error and fraud – which stood at £2.09bn in 2011/12.

The talks follows a short trial earlier this year with data management provider Transactis and sub-contractor Bosch, during which 16,000 cases were reviewed: 5,500 were found to be containing error and fraud, and £20m of potential losses were identified.

The results of the pilot scheme demonstrate the potential for significant benefits through the use of private supplier technology, claimed the Revenue.

Government ministers have asked the tax department to explore the types of service the commercial sector can offer on a larger scale, and to obtain an indication of cost, benefits and timelines ahead of an invitation to tender.

The aim will be to add capacity to HMRC’s existing workforce to increase the number of successful tax credits compliance interventions, and to drive down error and fraud.

Suppliers will be required to operate under strict adherence to the taxman’s legislative framework and meet stringent security standards.

Issue: 4425 / Categories: News , Investigations
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