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Final BEPS plan includes country-by-country reporting

13 October 2015
Issue: 4522 / Categories: News , Business , Companies

OECD have now published the final versions of the 13 BEPS reports.

The final package of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) measures includes new minimum standards on country-by-country reporting; treaty shopping; curbing harmful tax practices; and effective mutual agreement procedures.
The package also revises the guidance on the application of transfer pricing rules to prevent taxpayers using so-called “cash box” entities to shelter profits in low or no-tax jurisdictions. It redefines the key concept of permanent establishment to curb arrangements that avoid the creation of a taxable presence in a country by reliance on an outdated definition.
It offers governments a series of measures to be implemented through domestic law changes. These include strengthened rules on controlled foreign companies a common approach to limiting base erosion through interest deductibility and new rules to prevent hybrid mismatch arrangements to make...

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