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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration


26 September 2016
Issue: 4567 / Categories: Comment & Analysis
THAT CONFIDENTIAL MEMO that was accidentally left in the photocopier, the email sent ‘Reply all’ by mistake – they all make their way to Whistleblower. Or so he says...
One of our regular readers found that a previous user of an HMRC photocopier had left behind a draft of an example which unaccountably failed to be included in the final version of HMRC’s Making Tax Digital consultation document... Having made this discovery he felt honour-bound to draw it to the attention of Whistleblower.

Keith is a barrister specialising in tax law. He formerly qualified and practised as a chartered accountant and a chartered tax adviser.
Keith’s own accounting records already reflect the aims of MTD. He maintains them in almost real-time and is always aware of both his expected VAT and income tax (and National Insurance) liabilities. Indeed upon receipt of fees he puts the VAT element and a tax reserve into separate accounts to ensure that they can be paid...

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