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Readers' forum : Amateur dramatics

14 February 2017
Issue: 4587 / Categories: Forum & Feedback

The pros and cons of a charitable opera company registering for VAT.

We are a small amateur dramatic opera company putting on a couple of shows a year each one running for about a week. We understand that we can voluntarily register for VAT and that the sale of our tickets would not be subject to the tax because we are a charity. However we understand that registration would enable us to recover input tax on some of our expenses.

Could we ask Taxation readers to confirm that this is correct and that it would be worthwhile registering for VAT? If there are any drawbacks we would appreciate what these might be to enable us to make a decision.

We should be very grateful for any advice that readers can offer here.

Query 18 924 – La Traviata.


Reply by Gardener

An entity is entitled to register for VAT and to recover input tax only if...

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