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HMRC urged to provide more support for disabled people

14 March 2017
Issue: 4591 / Categories: News

HMRC needs to do more to assist people with disabilities,particularly in light of Making Tax Digital.

HMRC must do more to support disabled people to manage their tax affairs if the government’s drive to halve the disability employment gap is to succeed says the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG).

Disabled people might have more confidence in contacting the tax authority if they were aware of assistance from the needs extra support service. For example people with hearing or speech impairments can use an online form rather than the telephone to request a face-to-face meeting.

Anthony Thomas chairman of LITRG said: ‘HMRC must work harder to understand the barriers to engagement and ensure that disabled people’s needs are catered for so nobody is left feeling disenfranchised or worse non-compliant.’

The group also regrets HMRC’s conclusion that there are no equality impacts from its Making Tax Digital (MTD) programme.

Mr Thomas said: ‘While the plan is to offer an exemption...

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