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Good Work Plan: government responds to Taylor review

13 February 2018
Issue: 4635 / Categories: News

Government to act on 52 of the 53 recommendations.

Practitioners have delivered a mixed reaction to the government’s response to the Taylor review with some calling for another look at changes to the tax regime for the self-employed and employed.

The government has promised to act on all but one of the 53 recommendations in Good work: the Taylor review of modern working practices and announced the publication of four consultation documents.

But some tax bodies are cautious about how this will pan out.

Low Incomes Tax Reform Group chair Anne Fairpo said the government’s ‘Good Work plan’ requires a lot of elements to come together and called for a unifier to help civil servants meet the Taylor report goals. ‘In our experience the more government departments are involved the greater the effort required to put together a coherent policy or plan and ensure delivery is effective ’ she said. ‘There must be absolute alignment...

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