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Readers forum: Expanding business

29 May 2018
Issue: 4649 / Categories: Forum & Feedback , VAT

VAT issues with contracting works performed outside the UK

I have a client (a partnership) that is involved in electrical contracting and fitting out office interiors. The business has a number of UK contracts to fit out large warehouses for a major book retailer but has just won subject to final details contracts to undertake the same work on the retailer’s warehouses in other parts of the EU. I have four questions.

  • Does this cause them any VAT issues in the individual countries?
  • Would there be any requirement to register for VAT in the countries in which they are working?
  • What is the situation if they need to buy materials in that country relevant to their work – presumably they can avoid paying domestic VAT on these purchases by quoting their UK VAT number?
  • What would the position be if they won...

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