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Counting days: Shakira’s Spanish tax nomad case

Nomadic lifestyle

Key points

  • In the context of residency the UK and Spain define the unit of one day differently.
  • Shakira thought she had a nomadic lifestyle but she was not warned of the specific rules applying in Spain.
  • Spain is not a country for tax nomads and the investigation into Shakira’s tax affairs illustrates the point.
  • The Spanish tax agency interprets the residency rules broadly – beware of ‘sporadic absences’.
  • Where a person is classed as a dual tax resident in Spain and another double tax treaty country a tie-breaker test will be applied.

In the UK a day for tax residency purposes is counted if the individual is in the UK at the end of the day (that is midnight).

Spain is different. A day in Spain can be any length. As we shall explain it is not counted as 24 hours nor does it...

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