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Murder mystery which features some tax issues

17 December 2019 / Sarah Saunders
Issue: 4725 / Categories: Comment & Analysis
Murder on the Vatanic

Miss Taxable had left her small murder-plagued village of Self-Assessment to spend Christmas with her nephew on the Vatanic a mighty cruise ship which circled the earth carrying its permanent guests never stopping in any place long enough for them to become tax resident.

Miss Taxable sat happily at the ship’s Christmas party sipping a sweet sherry. Suddenly the ship lurched in high seas and the unusually large fairy at the top of the tree plummeted to the ground and was found to be a body. Miss Taxable downed her sherry and enthusiastically elbowed everybody else aside. The corpse proved to be the ship’s accountant Mr A D Viser. Miss Taxable stood up. ‘There must be an enquiry ’ she pronounced. Several members of the audience winced almost immediately on hearing the...

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