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Readers’ forum: Coffee shop dilemma

14 July 2020
Issue: 4752 / Categories: Forum & Feedback
Buying a business as one or two entities?

As a result of the pandemic one of my wealthier clients has the chance to buy a very successful coffee shop at a heavily discounted price. However it has come to light that there are two limited companies involved in the arrangement. The first company owns the freehold of the property and the second company (under the same share ownership as the first) does the trading and pays a commercial rent to the first company.

The seller has said that if we wish the lease between the two companies can be surrendered before the sale so that we just buy the property complete with the coffee shop business from the first company.

My client is paying £200 000 for the property £20 000 for stock fixtures and fittings and £10 000 for goodwill.

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