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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration

Self assessment

Completion of self-assessment online tax returns.

HMRC have confirmed that, because the 31 January filing deadline is on a Sunday, the self assessment helpline (0300 200 3310) and online services helpdesk (0300 200 3600) will have extended hours this weekend:

  • Saturday 30 January - 8am to 6pm
  • Sunday 31 January - 9am to 5pm

Dr Vasiliki Raftopoulou v CRC, Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber), 16 October 2015

S Mahendran (TC4470)

M Joyce (TC4453)

J Herbert (TC4395)

G Bianchi (TC4442)

Tax officials will cancel penalties for late self assessment returns that have since been submitted their return with a reasonable excuse, HMRC have confirmed.

The Revenue’s director-general of personal tax, Ruth Owen, told BBC Radio 4’s Money Box programme that there had been a change in department policy, meaning most taxpayers’ excuses would be accepted at face value rather than be submitted to inquiry.

This is a summary of issue 47 of Agent Update, HMRC’s bi-monthly news roundup for tax advisers

Digital agent engagement

Agents were invited in January to take part in a series of regional events with HMRC representatives.

Perfect Permit Ltd t/a Lofthouse Hill Golf Club (TC4365)

S Taylor (TC4375)

J Smith (TC4392)

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