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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration
Issue: Vol 166, Issue 4282

Issue: Vol 166, Issue 4282

18 Nov 2010
HEIDI WINSON and REBECCA WILKINSON reflect on the meaning of largeness in the world of corporate taxation
MIKE TRUMAN is asking questions about HMRC delays in dealing with post from agents and taxpayers
PETER ARROWSMITH extols the virtues of the National Insurance contributions holiday and other contents of the NIC Bill
KEN MOODY provides an update on employment-related securities
There may be more bad news regarding 2009/10 liabilities, warns RICHARD CURTIS
A taxpayer has sold his home and converted an outbuilding into a new home, but his personal occupation is restricted to 27 days per year. Could this or a holiday home abroad be considered to be his...

A husband and wife carried out work to their main residence shortly before letting it out

A taxpayer has relatively low income for 2009/10 and this includes a chargeable event on a life assurance policy of almost £2,000. The agent’s tax software indicates that a repayment of tax arises,...
A UK resident taxpayer has won $5,000 in a Las Vegas casino, and withholding tax has been deducted. No UK credit will be received because the winnings are not subject to tax in this country
Annual subscription for London bike-hire scheme; deeply discounted securities gain; single pensions payment; bookmaker’s personal bets
Employees urged to consult staff on canteen arrangements
Litho Supplies plc
November bulletin
Late-filing penalties recalculated under new CIS rules
New qualification has no required courses
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