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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration
Issue : Vol 177, Issue 4539

Issue : Vol 177, Issue 4539

23 Feb 2016

An overview of the tax implications relating to the travel industry.

Some helpful pointers for year end personal tax planning.

The interaction between FRS 102 and the new loan relationship legislation.

Proper electronic archives required.

Did Google receive favourable treatment or was it following the tax rules?

How can CGT liability be mitigated when selling a house to a relative?

Calculation of gains tax liability on sale of property by non-resident expatriates.

Is it possible not to use the VAT flat rate scheme if this is disadvantageous?

The liabilities on a retirement award and the effect of additional pension premiums.

Correspondence from readers on topical subjects.

Painful extraction; Offshore funds; Rent-a-room; Property dilemma

Workplace pensions continue to represent good value.

An exception is to be introduced to the usual place of supply rules. 

RPI;  Direct recovery; Pensions;  VAT;  Salary sacrifice;  Exporters 

Comments are invited on draft guidance.
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