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Whillans's Worldwide Taxes 2007-08

29 January 2008 / Simon Gray
Issue: 4143 / Categories: Reviews
Reviewed by SIMON GRAY, partner, Henton & Co, Leeds

By PKF. Published by LexisNexis Tolley paperback. Price £99.95

Over the last decade there has been a sharp increase in the number of British people with overseas interests such as property and other investments; and many UK nationals now work 'cross border'.

There is therefore an increasing demand for the tax practitioners in this country to be familiar with many different taxes in other countries throughout the world: everything from territorial issues surrounding social security to 'forced heirship' rules for inheritance tax.

Whillans's Worldwide Taxes is a refreshing alternative to having to surf the net for hours on end trying to clobber together snippets of tax information on particular overseas countries in order to advise a client accordingly.

There is no introduction or preamble in this book; it gets straight to business with 'Argentina' and continues through to the 'United States'. In total the book contains a detailed...

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