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Garage rents

05 April 2011
Issue: 4299 / Categories: Forum & Feedback , Income Tax
A motor repair business has been operated from garages on which domestic rates were being paid, but which were not claimed in the business accounts

My new client rents some garages in a block of about 20 garages. Some are used by private individuals to store cars etc. but my client carries on a motor repair business from his. He had been told that he could not claim tax relief for the rent ‘because business tax wasn’t being paid on the garages’.

I wasn’t quite sure what he meant by this but it transpires that the garages were subject to domestic rates. However a council inspector recently visited the site discovered my client repairing a couple of cars and told him that he should be paying business rates. Fortunately it seems that this is not to be backdated but can I include say the last six years’ rent that he was paying but not claiming in his next business accounts?

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