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Submit iForm trust registrations before 23 September

15 September 2020
Issue: 4760 / Categories: News

HMRC is replacing its registration service for trusts and estates currently an iForm on 23 September.

The iForm service will not be accessible from that date so it will not be possible to register a trust or estate using it. Any partly completed iForms should be finalised and submitted before then to avoid having to restart the registration in the new service.

HMRC’s new ‘micro-service’ version of the service will be available to register all types of taxable trust or ‘complex’ estates. HMRC says it is more intuitive and user friendly displays only the parts of the service that are relevant to users based on their responses has improved navigation and is accessibility compliant. to which users will be automatically directed.

HMRC will update the link in the trust registration guidance on GOV.UK so that it directs users to the ‘micro-service’ version for all registrations ...

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