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The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) has urged the Taylor review of employment practices to assess the relationship between taxation and the growth in non-standard work, such as people working in the ‘gig economy’.

Although taxation is not expressly within the terms of reference of the review, which is focusing on employment law and practice, LITRG believes that it will be hard to understand the impact modern employment practices have on a worker’s security, pay and rights without considering tax issues.

Legislation introducing the first Welsh tax in almost 800 years received royal assent on 24 May.

At a sealing ceremony, the Land Transaction Tax and Anti-avoidance of Devolved Taxes (Wales) Bill became the first Act of the assembly involving taxation.

Land transaction tax will replace stamp duty land tax in Wales when it is devolved in April 2018.

The Ministry of Justice is developing an online tax tribunal appeal service and is inviting people to join a beta trial, ahead of the full launch.

The online service includes step-by-step guidance on completing an appeal and gives a reference number instantly when an appeal is submitted successfully.

Taxpayers and advisers interested in taking part should email here.

On Monday 6 February 2017, the House of Lords Economic Affairs Finance Bill Sub-Committee will take evidence on the Government’s proposals to Make Tax Digital (MTD) that will apply to small businesses and residential landlords. Watch the session live on the internet at:

At 3.35pm the Committee will hear from:

  • John Whiting, Tax Director, Office of Tax Simplification

  • Robin Williamson, Technical Director, Low Income Tax Reform Group

A shake-up of the tax system is needed to turn the UK’s small companies into job-creating machines, according to a report from the Institute of Directors, Grant Thornton UK LLP and the Prelude Group.

Treasury Committee chair urges caution on HMRC's digital plans

Property taxation is distortive.

The Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) is among three organisations that are urging the chancellor to make immediate changes to improve and simplify tax policymaking. In a letter, the CIOT joined the Institute for Government (IfG) and the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) in recommending:

Leaks about offshore companies.

Tackling Disguised Remuneration.

Increased amounts apply from October 2016

Feedback on FRS 102 requested by the FRC

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