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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration

Issue: Vol 161, Issue 4154

17 Apr 2008
NIGEL CALLAGHAN looks at the annuity market
A tale of partial exemption told by PHILLIP HENWOOD shows how important it is to keep detailed records of control visits so that molehills don't turn into mountains
The problems and opportunities created by the flat rate scheme are reviewed by NEIL WARREN
The Money Laundering Regulations 2007 exert a tighter grip on tax. RICHARD CURTIS explains the registration and other requirements
Effect of trust management expenses on discretionary trust calculations
Ensuring the tax efficient sale of a commercial property with entrepreneurs' relief
Will a pre-owned assets charge arise on the gift of a house?
Can an expenses claim continue when a worker changes from MSC to PSC?
Matching employees' expenses claims to the employer's forms P11D
The benefit of a loan from an overseas company
Queens' College Cambridge, 4-6 April 2008. Reported by MIKE TRUMAN
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