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Issue: Vol 166, Issue 4284

Issue: Vol 166, Issue 4284

2 Dec 2010
MALCOLM NICHOLS looks at the implications of the ECJ decision in the Astra Zeneca case
JONATHAN LEVY and JANE BAILEY explain how to hit back at HMRC tax raids
MIKE TRUMAN finds the gift aid rules on donor benefits more problematic than he thought
MIKE THEXTON describes the arduous and aggrieving process that is amending a client’s records on HMRC’s system
HMRC’s service standards are not improving, according to a paper from the Tax Faculty. ALLISON PLAGER reports
The director/shareholder of a one-man limited company has a mobile phone contract in his own name but which is used for business purposes
A client continued to claim tax credits for her two children as a single parent, even though she was living with a partner. Is it correct that the Tax Credits Office can recover that amount?
A trader also makes money from his diving hobby, recovering lost items from a lake and selling them
On the basis that a friend does the same thing, a musician plans to buy a home on a Scottish island and rent a home on the mainland, claiming the cost of that property as business expenditure
Restructuring a partnership; late application to join the VAT flat-rate scheme; estate planning for a buy-to-let business; only or main residence claim
Treasury study to consider a GAAR
Consultation on real-time information
Use in extreme weather
HMRC report
Hansard, 23 Nov 2010, vol 519, no 77, col 278W
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